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My educational background is actually in biomedical engineering, but these sort of subjects typically don't do very well on this channel. So we created a new channel for life science subjects. Subscribe to Real Science to learn more about how our world works, from a biological perspective: www.youtube.com/c/realscience
Комментарий от : @RealEngineering

An update on this video would be wonderful, please.
Комментарий от : @markmastroianni9591

So love and beautiful video❤😍💪🌏
Комментарий от : @bukurie6861

Комментарий от : @jollysharma9389

I can't remember what I read 5 minutes ago.
Комментарий от : @carissa8283i

The things that he is talking about he's learned from victims of electronic harassment that started in 2004 and still being done today look at my videos I have things up there to prove all this I remove pieces of optic glass from my body which it was injected to me inside my skin for harassment
Комментарий от : @LarryHAboveRHeads

He is a puppet for gov.... he is being told what to say thru ear piece. If you watch and talk knowing or just think about is somebody was telling him what to say and then watch him speak he will be doing things like if somebody was really telling him what to say and what to do his facial expressions his body language somebody's telling him what to say through an earpiece caught him in interview laughing like a dork and then sits like somebody tell him to shut up sit up straight quit talking and he just has a blank look on his face when he looks around
Комментарий от : @LarryHAboveRHeads

youtu.be/TrVKfRH_v3I elon makes reference to a black mirror episodes if you have not seen them there are a few episodes regarding the issue of recalling memory and the vision from the eyes which is all true and recalling memory and images forced into someone's eyes. all these things happening already,
If you don't read this you will never be able to say " ya I heard about this from someone' I am
sharing what is happening since 2004... I am a federal employee 10 yrs.. with post office lol but just to show that I had to get background check just like any other federal employee by 2 different sources. I am not mental or delusional, I was married 13yr same job 13 yrs 2 kids now 25 26, same phone service same home same cable 23 yrs . ...... stable person.. if any question just ask , start the question y putting "neuralink question" and I will respond
but it is done to victims, vision can be seen form a person eye, images are forced and can be seen with eye open, dream are forced into brain which causes a sever head ache when it is done. Elon can not use this tech because it is being used on victim in the USA. He know about this. he need to help victims ruin the RFID and break the signal to help people before he comes out with this tech..... no damn joke i am a victim since 2007, became aware of it in 2015, in 2022 I know the faces of the people in Fresno who are assisting in this harassment but it branches of to other agencies and Elon Musk knows .
This originally came from UC BERKELEY 1999 RESEARCHER YANG DAN FIRST TIME IN HISTORY VISION FROM A BRAIN SEEN ON A MONITOR. youtu.be/piyY-UtyDZw TODAY IT LEAK FROM GOV AND CIVILIANS used it for ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT . Here is how it is done , how do i know, because i am a victim. i am a trouble shooter, i do things i build things i travel to places i have been on my own for 7 year trying to find RFID that was inject into my body. i have cut my ear open 5 times looking for it every time a piece of optic glass removed. optic glass is used to vibrate under skin causes spasm, heats up blood from friction of glass vibrating, it produces Morgellon because it is soaked with skin fluid which contain protein for hair, color of hair and skin. friction causes heat and it bakes fluid and as glass vibrates the glass is shattered with in its self becasue it is made with polymer it pushes out a fiber made of the protein, i have video of fiber spinning around out of my skin. BACK TO MEMORY, VISION IS A SIGNAL just like every other signal that leaks from your brain and is picked u p on EEG vision is picked up on EEG. modify EEG for video out put and the right mathematical equitation to convert signal to a codec so it can be seen on monitor proven in 1999 uc Berkeley. RFID IS behind ear where ear and scalp meet that is by inner ear, by the mastoid cell bone. the cones and rods convert what ever you look at into a signal that travels thru optic nerve to visual cortex , now your brain sees image that was converted by cones and rods. after brain see image in compress it into liquid memory that is stored in brain.. these people who harass me can see everything i see, they even see what i imagine and see memory i think of.. they see what i look at becasue RFID IS BEHIND HEAR WHERE VISION LEAKS where it pass from eyes to visual cortex... now if they see my memory that means it traveled thru optic nerve because it has to pass by RFID WHICH IS BEHIND EAR. that cant see from my brain. so that mean liquid memory is sent back down thru optic nerve to cones and rods to get converted into a signal so brain can see memory, brain can not see compress memory. that is how these people see my memories, my dreams, my imagination... THAT IS REALLY HOW IT IS DONE, ANY ONE CAN DO THIS WITH THE RIGHT EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE. AN EEG TAB BEHIND EAR WHERE SCALP MEET, A DEVICE TO PICK UP SIGNAL OF VISION, AND THE SOFTWARE TO CONVERT VISION SIGNAL TO THE RIGHT CODEC FOR MONITOR.. IT IS OUT THERE SOMEWHERE, YOU NEED MONEY FOR EQUIPMENT..... YOUR THOUGHT ARE HEAR IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT YOU SAID IT WHICH IS VIBRATION OF VOCAL CORD, YOUR BRAIN CAN ONLY HEAR FROM YOUR EARS , YOUR BRAIN DONT HEAR YOUR EARS YOUR INNER EAR HEARS YOUR INNER VOICE FROM VIBRATION OF VOCAL CORDS.. EVERY SINGLE WAY YOU HEAR YOUR OWN VOICE IN YOU HEAD WITHOUT MOVING YOUR MOUTH IS VIBRATION OF VOCAL CORD..... THAT IS IT., I KNOW THIS BECAUSE I FIGURED IT OUT SINCE 2015 THIS SHIT IS HAPPENING TO ME. HARASSED 24/7. ELON MUSK CAN NOT USE THIS TECH. IT COMES FROM VICTIMS IN THE USA....... HE NEED TO HELP THEM FIRST.......... HE NEED TO RUIN THIS MICRO WAVE FREQUENCY THAT CONNECTS VICTIMS THAT HAVE RFID... IF HE COMES OUT WITH THIS THERE WILL BE TROUBLE FROM VICTIMS THE WILL KNOW HE KNOWS ABOUT US.. HIS spaceX STAR LINK SATELLITES IS NOT JUST FOR INTERNET, HE MOVES THE CLOUDS 24/7 i seen his drones move clouds becasue they are man made with iron particles, the form clouds with magnetic energy, i have made the drones stop in mid air they have done things in front of me that no one else has seen becasue they know i am watching them i can get their attention very easily, they stop, to look they have a very large bird eye view.... they come down when 911 is called if local police are looking for someone hiding, they are large round no wings. light are on so you wont pay any attention to it you will think it is just a small drone, but it is fuckin big.....

Комментарий от : @LarryHAboveRHeads

Neuralink is Barbaric Satanic Transhumanist Evil heinous Atrocity....... A perverse and crooked Generation idolizes Elon Musk.... 
.... he should be in Prison for the Abuse Death Cruelty Torture of Animal Yahoo News/ Independent Dec 6 2022

Комментарий от : @cathymiller2798

Aus diesem Grund ist die Vorstellungskraft des Gehirns durch Visionen und Empfindungen transzendental, wie zum Beispiel, wenn wir in der Lage wären, eine Zeitmaschine zu konstruieren, anstatt Maschinenbau zu verwenden wird wie eine superkünstliche Simulation sein, aber nicht VR, Hexe ist Virtual Reality. Als ob wir Nervensimulatoren verwenden würden und Sie im Mesozoikum wären und die Empfindungen der geringeren Schwerkraft und der deferenten Atmosphäre den Unterschied in der Bodenzusammensetzung erkennen könnten, dann sind die Brachiosaurus eine Herde und die Vibrationen ihres Klangs aktivieren Ihre Nerven, das ist es Das Gleiche gilt für den Weltraum, wir können diese superkünstliche Simulation verwenden, und die Simulation hat Piepgeräusche in Jupiters fallenden Gaswolken oder Saturns Ring, sogar Merkurs sengende Temperaturen, nur die Vorstellungskraft kann genutzt werden. Reisen durch Dimensionen ist dasselbe wie eine DMT-Erfahrung, aber es ist, als würde man untersuchen, wie das Universum ist individuelle Erfahrung wie in physischen Zuständen können wir durch Lichtgeschwindigkeit reisen, weil unser physischer Körper Knochen in Partikel auflösen wird, so werden Gene, aber wird unser Bewusstsein sich auflösen?
Комментарий от : @yogsothot

Aus diesem Grund ist die Vorstellungskraft des Gehirns durch Visionen und Empfindungen transzendental, wie zum Beispiel, wenn wir in der Lage wären, eine Zeitmaschine zu konstruieren, anstatt Maschinenbau zu verwenden wird wie eine superkünstliche Simulation sein, aber nicht VR, Hexe ist Virtual Reality. Als ob wir Nervensimulatoren verwenden würden und Sie im Mesozoikum wären und die Empfindungen der geringeren Schwerkraft und der deferenten Atmosphäre den Unterschied in der Bodenzusammensetzung erkennen könnten, dann sind die Brachiosaurus eine Herde und die Vibrationen ihres Klangs aktivieren Ihre Nerven, das ist es Das Gleiche gilt für den Weltraum, wir können diese superkünstliche Simulation verwenden, und die Simulation hat Piepgeräusche in Jupiters fallenden Gaswolken oder Saturns Ring, sogar Merkurs sengende Temperaturen, nur die Vorstellungskraft kann genutzt werden. Reisen durch Dimensionen ist dasselbe wie eine DMT-Erfahrung, aber es ist, als würde man untersuchen, wie das Universum ist individuelle Erfahrung wie in physischen Zuständen können wir durch Lichtgeschwindigkeit reisen, weil unser physischer Körper Knochen in Partikel auflösen wird, so werden Gene, aber wird unser Bewusstsein sich auflösen?
Комментарий от : @yogsothot

satanic Transhumanism, H+, technology, Mark of the Beast, 666. Mass control systems

The Devil Jab was the starting point.

Комментарий от : @thedarkknight4243

Funny thing is, neuralink is already in your brain. In your home. All around you. There is no "chip." There's no need for one. A.I. is activtively decoding your thoughts and visions via WIFI as we speak. It knows your every thought.
Комментарий от : @steveguse4481

he did not make anything, and he is a liar.
Комментарий от : @kevinragsdale6256

I think you suck but I need to watch
Комментарий от : @mtdelmar1982

Musk didn't really create neuralink..

More details on common sense skeptic's video about neuralink

Комментарий от : @donaldkeith139

quién fue tomado como referencia para éste proceso quien fué! La rata de experimentación y quien está cobrando por suplantar informaciones
Комментарий от : @zeidyrojas6165

No they call it junk DNA no way have you done anything 1% technology understands Gods creation
It could be the mark of the beast

Комментарий от : @lynnsmith2648

I hope you're embarrassed about this video. Elon musk is a con man. Also He didn't Create the company. Same way to he didn't create tesla
Комментарий от : @ballysham10

Elon Musk did not create neurolink. He didn't invent the tech either. The first book on Cybernetics, which is what neurolink is, was written in 1961. The U.S. started work on this sometime around 1967. You can literally see videos of G.I.s that had traumatic brain injuries during service having their language centers completely restored. Musk has nothing to do with any of it.
Комментарий от : @Goldie_Hawn_Solo

Sex trafficking torturing and exploiting. Your awesome. Click click click
Комментарий от : @carissa8283i

Комментарий от : @carissa8283i

Short answer: he didn't. He just bought it and said it was his idea, as he does with almost everything else.
Комментарий от : @JonoSSD

imagine inputting a wrong voltage 😂 your brain finna fry
Комментарий от : @hamedhaidari8658

It is the link between AI and humans.
Комментарий от : @soundpark_

This video isn't nearly skeptical enough of Elon Musk. Neuroscience isn't something you just dabble in and pick up in a few minutes here and there. Musk claims to be extremely busy at Tesla and SpaceX designing and engineering. He also has seven kids and dates popstars and movie stars and also plays long and involved computer games and on and on. the fact of the matter is that he's shown zero understanding at the level the white paper is written at, and the white paper and neurolink demonstrations are full of patent protected technology from the lab of Dr. Miguel Nicolelis at Duke. Technology that they have no licensed. All of Musk's cofounders were experts in the field, and Musk probably took two biology classes in college and spends most of his time and effort cultivating an image of science acumen rather than actually doing the hard work to study the science.
Комментарий от : @opcn18

It's really fascinating and amazing for me to get such informative Knowledge,
as a least educated guy ( 10th grade passed ) I've always been curious to hear and know more knowledgeable information as much as possible even if i forget about some but it is always my curiosity to gain valuable knowledge of everything from every possible field.

Комментарий от : @Ashallmusica

Using the word "tech" and "Jesus" in the same word is a complete blasphemy to the REAL Jesus, the REAL Savior of the world. Mr. Musk and his "superpowers" are completely irrelevant and NOTHING in compared to our ONLY Messiah (Jesus Christ) and what he actually does and HAS done for all humanity.
Комментарий от : @brianaghastin7259

Neurolink stock ticker symbol please?
Комментарий от : @oliverkhoo

You should have made the video by yourself , as soon as it switches over to who ever that girl is it instantly ruins the experience ,
Shes boring , sounds like shes reafing straight a web page ,

Its not very good delivery of information
Witch is why i came to your videos in the first place
Your much better without her

Комментарий от : @treaceeames4697

Decend into the Organ !
Комментарий от : @darrellknox8599

magical mechanicus moment
Комментарий от : @javierguardiola7122

Sarif was right about one thing. It's in our nature to want to rise above our limits. Think about it. We were cold, so we harnessed fire. We were weak, so we invented tools. Every time we met an obstacle, we used creativity and ingenuity to overcome it. The cycle is inevitable. In the past, we've had to compensate for weaknesses, finding quick solutions that only benefit a few. But what if we never need to feel weak or morally conflicted again? What if the path Sarif wants us to take enables us to hold on to higher values with more stability? One thing is obvious. For the first time in history, we have a chance to steal fire from the gods. To turn away from it now - to stop pursing a future in which technology and biology combine, leading to the promise of a Singularity - would mean to deny the very essence of who we are. No doubt the road to get there will be bumpy, hurting some people along the way. But won't achieving the dream be worth it? We can become the gods we've always been striving to be. We might as well get good at it.

- Deus Ex Human Revolution

Комментарий от : @JesusChristDenton_7

He didnt.
Комментарий от : @MujoSalkic

Exceot... he didn't. No patents related to that company have Musk's name on them.
Комментарий от : @cockatoo010

I'm so curious to see what can happen with neuralink and taking psychedelics. Perhaps the psychedelic world can finally be mapped.
Комментарий от : @andysux1

Комментарий от : @moskitosTR

Комментарий от : @moskitosTR

Y’all must realize that the neuralink is the mark of the beast, and placing it into the brain is the equivalent of the mark/neuralink being in the temple of God given that the bible teaches that the temple of God is the body of man. Further, it is the heart that sends the signal to the brain and the brain then releases the chemical into the bloodstream in response to the initial signal from the heart.

While there is no dispute of the importance of the brain, it is not the body’s most important organ, that designation belongs firmly with the heart or as scientists refer to it as “the 7 layer liquid crystal oscillator”. There have been many occurrences where somebody is pronounced as being brain dead however they are still very much alive.
\ {0.o} /

Комментарий от : @ATinyPillow

This technology has the potential for great good yet the potential for great bad. The next war between good and evil? The end war? It's no secret hackers have been able to break into some of the most secure data bases. Maybe they can come up with a hack proof system. Or near one. If not the new wild west?
Комментарий от : @danielhanawalt4998

Unsubscribed. When slavery is brought back in the private colonies of these billionaire space imperialists, you'll have been complicit this whole time. Singing the praises of Elon Musk when he has ALREADY admitted to wanting to practice indentured servitude on Mars. The path of history we are on is obvious and you can see it as well as everyone else.
Комментарий от : @cassandranoorman7154

Elon did not create neuralink. See the common sense sceptic YouTube site.
Комментарий от : @stephengordon4081

"real engineerin" what a joke... you're just repeating what elon musk has said. have you listened what the actual engineers and other scientist have said about these claims? apparently not.
Комментарий от : @Darusdei

Elon Musk did not create Neuralink what are you talking about?
Комментарий от : @avengerXable

I think they're trying to overcome freewill🤷🏾‍♂️
Комментарий от : @simonchirwa1845

Musk can't even get driverless cars to work, and you think he's reading to go stabbing around in people's brains? I have to unsubscribe after this BS, sorry.
Комментарий от : @MrTaxiRob

Elon Musk did NOT "create" Neuralink, just like he is NOT a "founder" of Tesla. This is complete bullshit. Musk said that the Neuralink device would be able to "cure paralysis," enable "mind reading," and enable someone to play video games with their mind. What a great reason to have BRAIN SURGERY!

As a quadriplegic, I pray for this 🙏
Комментарий от : @TheHappyQuadriplegic

Musk DID NOT create a Neuralink!
Комментарий от : @ivanskvortsov5874

Transfer data! More like mind reading …
Комментарий от : @racangela2995

Baseline test
Комментарий от : @racangela2995

This looks great! Thanks asshats! For all the noise your bringing me , your all awesome
Комментарий от : @racangela2995

This is a low for your channel. Please be critical about the claims that Musk makes
Комментарий от : @PraveenKumar-bo7fw

Fanboy crap. Musk knows nothing about computer brain interfaces and did not found this company. Like all ventures, he stole the ideas from others.
Комментарий от : @RoyClendaniel

Fun fact :china will be the first country to make copies of this by making start ups companies in China after the invention by Neurolink
Комментарий от : @lakshmanankarthikeyan910

Rather then use propaganda to hack the brain, you can just go straight to the source. My brain may be limited, but at least I know it’s mine.
Комментарий от : @TheUnnamedAssailant

The Title "Why Elon Musk Created Neuralink" is just false, because he did neither create nor found Neuralink, an he has no clue of what it is about. He just makes up a combination of science fiction worlds in his statements and interviews. He is just a presenter and somehow (Because of supid people that belive anything musk says) gets all the credit for it, while the ones that do the real science behind it get not even a real opportunity to talk.
Комментарий от : @seagullsatelit350

Комментарий от : @amerjb4970

No matter the progress, I cannot come around that it is immensely inhumane to test on all these animals...
Комментарий от : @PascalDickhoff

He will use that to control reddit cucks to get more likes on shitty memes
Комментарий от : @scuzyprod.1611

Don’t be fooled!! Brain chips aren’t new!! They’ll be new to the public!! But darpa has been working on brain chips and nano tech for the last 20 to 30 years!! There finally ready for whatever real purpose they were designed to do !! And don’t believe me look it up it’s that easy!!! They ain’t trying to make you smarter that’s all I gotta say!!
Комментарий от : @juliopinal2256

Check out the "elon musk debunked" Videos on that channel youtu.be/pzdXE-QmBKs
real eye opening and since watching them I am no musk fan fanboy any more

Комментарий от : @moritzschon4976

If Neuralink happens, humain brain will stop evolving, and one day Animals ( having an evolving brain)will rule us. Choice is urs
Комментарий от : @saikatbanik9359

If Neuralink happens, humain brain will stop evolving, and one day Animals ( having an evolving brain)will rule us. Choice is urs
Комментарий от : @saikatbanik9359

Is curiosity stream or nebula in spanish?
Комментарий от : @jonasdominguezrodriguez1143

They're soon gonna turn humans into their personal flying monkeys.
- Colonel Nick Fury.

Комментарий от : @mrfring1963

"a little misleading"- Elon Musk is conman who has no freaking idea what this company actually does and what limits the product has.
Also go to open AI and read before buying into Elons fear of AI- he is a moron.

Комментарий от : @Dan-bv8ne

Комментарий от : @tradeone7719

EVERYONE got conned??? LOL
Комментарий от : @TomekSw

Internal testing of such brain machine interface may have been going on for years , sometimes playing real world counter strike on unsuspecting targets
Комментарий от : @deependrakesari8003

He had nothing to do with the creation of neuralink, knows nothing about the actual subject, and makes outrageous claims to fool suckers with money into giving it to him. A tale as old as time, only with a cyberpunk tint.
Комментарий от : @lorandabos3120

He didn't create it lol. He is snakes oil salesman.
Комментарий от : @Diamond1337

Elon Musk NEVER created Neuralink. Please do some RUDAMENTERY fact check. In fact the ORIGINAL creators and PATENT holders disagree with what Elon Musk claims what Neuralink is... PLEASE DO YOUR FACT CHECK BETTER!
Комментарий от : @bedhestda

People should really watch Common Sense Skeptic's video on Neuralink
Комментарий от : @foambuddy24

Комментарий от : @unmeinks5907

Elon didn't create Neuralink. He just bought the rights to call himself a founder. Just like he did with Tesla. He has no background in this stuff but he loves to take credit for other people's work. I'm so tired of seeing this man's face everywhere as if he is the technocratic genius and a messiah of our times, when in reality, like Edison, he just stole other's ideas, concepts, patents and plastered his own name on it. He tried to discredit one of the founders of Neuralink, when he tried to dial down Musk's outrageous claims of what Neuralink chips are capable of accomplishing. I used to admire this guy, but the more I learn about him, the more I realize he's just another venture scumbag capitalist.
Комментарий от : @Sizifus

Elon Musk DID NOT create Neuralink. Get your facts straight
Комментарий от : @KandaEzana

Meanwhile hacker hack the system and controls thousands of people :D :D nice
Комментарий от : @xkpx64

Ai will enslave humanity! That's the end goal!
Комментарий от : @jackiecaldwell6898

In the beginning of 21st century, Steve Jobs introduced iphone. In the end of the 21st century, Elon Musk will introduce Neuralink.
Both came to earth to change it.

Комментарий от : @adityarokde1304

semen laser encoding for terraformation
Комментарий от : @skoolscribe3918

building and decontruction services quantum manipulation
Комментарий от : @skoolscribe3918

so this is an ezbake oven and people are still paying money for cars?
Комментарий от : @skoolscribe3918

did elon musk communicate all these plans or was elon musk the product of conglomerative processing...
Комментарий от : @skoolscribe3918

Egyptian pride
Комментарий от : @skoolscribe3918

this is for houses. . . where is this supply rather than edu . . . 3D print life sources
Комментарий от : @skoolscribe3918

The integrity of human biological processes . . .
Комментарий от : @skoolscribe3918

my cartilidge has cracked constantly throuout the day for the past 2 moths. . . help
Комментарий от : @skoolscribe3918

Data Storage of synapse data
Комментарий от : @skoolscribe3918

Quantum Computation Access
Комментарий от : @skoolscribe3918

Kids in 2050: Mom i forgot to charge my brain I cant think today
Комментарий от : @justarandomguy6877

Except Elon Musk did not create Neuralink.
Комментарий от : @TheDaftySage

Комментарий от : @daoyoutuberluangfdyoutukoo1620

So just a thought that the grip is loose and the robot drops the bottle.
Комментарий от : @icariusian9128

Cough* cough* perfect candidate for the .... anti christ.
Комментарий от : @kingsolomon5278

BS science... can't believe how many fools here... unreal
Комментарий от : @FLAC2023

Remember when social media was going to bring people together? Reunite them? Looks like we don’t learn from our mistakes and love to be deceived over and over again.
Комментарий от : @alvarc3675

While this is quite interesting attributing the achievements of tens of engineers to the CEO is just silly. Musk didn't create neuralink, he paid people to, he hasn't engineered anything except perhaps his image, however, he probably pays someone to do that too.
Комментарий от : @Pseud0nymTXT

Thumbnail brain is back to front...
Комментарий от : @commanderblanco960

someone touches your head with a magnet and you lose all control
Комментарий от : @spuw1872

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